Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2019 BZA Regular Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2019 BZA Regular Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2019 BZA Reorganization Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2019 BZA Minutes
April 28, 2011 Public Hearing BZA Minutes
Walnut Township
Board of Zoning Appeals
11420 Millersport Road
Millersport, Ohio 43046
(740) 467-2430 FAX (740) 467-3283
Public Hearing
April 28, 2011
Variance 11-13
Attendance: Dave Farrell, Bob Ball, Mike England, Jane Hanley, Liz Groves and Doug Leith
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector, and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
The Public Hearing for application 11-13 was called to order at 7:00 PM by the chairman, Jane Hanley, with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Testimony of the Zoning Inspctor
Reeb explained that this variance application is on Lake front property, in the Walnut Township Zoning Resolution, it requires a minimum 5’ setback on the side from the property line. Reeb explained that the applicants are putting in an outdoor kitchen and would like to place it inside the 5’ set back. Reeb explained that the gutter on the proposed roof keeps the rain from the neighboring property.
Letters from neighbors were read into the record. The neighbors are on both sides of the Freudeman’s.
Testimony of Applicant
Dennis Freudeman explained that they would like to build an outdoor kitchen which will match house. He said there will be no running water to the kitchen location.
Groves asked if it is in the same location as an existing structure. Freudeman explained that it is on the street side of the house and does replace and expand the existing patio.
Bob moved to approve application 11-13. Hanley seconded. Roll call – Leith yes, Groves, yes, England, Handley yes, Ball yes. Motion passes unanimously and does not hinge on a party.
The public hearing was closed at 7:26 PM.
April 7, 2011 BZA Minutes
Walnut Township
Board of Zoning Appeals
11420 Millersport Road
Millersport, Ohio 43046
(740) 467-2430 FAX (740) 467-3283
Regular Meeting
April 7, 2011
Attendance: Bob Ball, Doug Leith, Mike England, David Farrell.
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector, Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary and Terry Horn, Township Trustee
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Bob Ball at 7:15 PM.
The zoning secretary read the meeting minutes from February 2, 2011. England moved and Farrell seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
New Business:
Walnut Township received an application for a variance which needs to occur in April. Reeb explained the time lines for the variance to be compliant with the Walnut Township Zoning Resolution and Ohio Revised Code.
The meeting date was discussed and set for April 28, 2011 at 7 PM.
Reeb asked the Board what they considered Lake Front Property. Reeb pointed out that the Zoning Resolution says it is on the Lake, not a canal. It is based on having a lake view (45 degree angle from the setbacks of the property looking out at the lake. He indicated that there have been questions from a member of the public about what constitutes lake front property. Reeb wanted to make sure the board members review this section as well as the fence section of the zoning resolution and provide their feed back at the next meeting. If the board disagrees with this section of the zoning resolution, it may need to go back to the Zoning Commission for revision.
Ball asked a question about Lake Shore. Reeb said that Lake Shore is zoned R2 so there is no Lake Front property in that area.
Farrell asked what specific sections are to be reviewed. Reeb indicated he would send an email to the Board members with the specific sections.
The board will further discuss this issue at the next regular meeting of the BZA.
Public Input:
Leith moved and England seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:36 PM.
April 7, 2011 Public Hearing BZA Minutes
Walnut Township
Board of Zoning Appeals
11420 Millersport Road
Millersport, Ohio 43046
(740) 467-2430 FAX (740) 467-3283
Public Hearing
April 7, 2011
Variance 11-05
Attendance: Bob Ball, Mike Farrell, Mike England and Doug Leith
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector, Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary and Terry Horn, Township Trustee
The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 PM by the vice chairman, Bob Ball, with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Testimony of the Zoning Inspector
Reeb provided testimony on the application for variance 11-05 regarding set backs for the location of a shed. He explained the set back in rear is 10 feet and side is 5 feet and they need to go into the set back due to the angle of their lot. Reeb indicated the application is asking for a variance for 5 feet from the rear. Due to the new zoning resolution, the Township has removed the exception for road right of ways, etc. The setbacks for the property lines are now from the property line pins.
Reeb explained that the variance is for an accessory building for the property. It does not meet the zoning requirements so it is in front of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Applicant Testimony:
Smith indicated that he would like to place a 6’ x 8’ nice building/shed on their property.
Ball asked about the neighbors and it they have shared their thoughts on this variance request. Smith said he has not received any responses from the neighbors.
Ball asked about the neighbors and if there are similar accessory buildings. Smith indicated this one will still be five feet back from the property line.
Reeb explained that when viewing the landing on the drawing it is 5.44 from the new shed. The current zoning says that an accessory building has to be 10 feet from the house. He indicated it is a toss up for the BZA members to consider, 5 feet from the rear property line or 10 feet from the house.
Ball asked for other questions.
Leith asked that if once they build the house and grant the variance for the accessory building and they think they want something bigger, can they do that?
Reeb indicated that yes, once they are granted the accessory building variance, they can put up what they want within the guidelines.
Mike England moved to approve application 11-05, Leith second the motion. Roll Call – Leith, yes, Ball, yes, England, yes, Farrell, yes. Motion unanimously – 4-0.
The public hearing was closed at 7:10 PM.
February 1, 2011 BZA Minutes
(740) 467-2420 FAX (740) 467-3283
Annual Organizational Meeting
February 1, 2011
Attendees: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith and Bob Ball
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
Members of the Public: 1
The annual organizational meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jane Hanley with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:04 PM.
Hanley turned the meeting over to the zoning secretary to conduct the organizational meeting for 2011.
Nominations for Chairman
Ball moved and Groves seconded the motion to nominate Jane Hanley for Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Ball yes, Hanley no, Groves yes. Motion passed.
Nominations for Vice Chairman
Groves moved and Hanley seconded the motion to nominate Bob Ball for Vice Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Ball no, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.
Nominations for Secretary
Ball moved and Hanley seconded the motion to nominate Liz Groves for Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Ball yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.
Meeting dates
The Board discussed the day of the week to hold their meetings.
Ball moved and Groves seconded the motion to hold the meeting on the first Thursday of each month in 2011 at 7 PM provided there is an application/public hearing. Roll call – Leith yes, Ball yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting procedures
Hanley moved and Leith seconded the motion for the Board to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for meeting procedures. Roll call – Leith yes, Ball yes, Hanley yes, and Groves yes. Motion passed unanimously.
Advertising of Meetings and Public Hearings
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to advertise BZA meetings and public hearings in the Eagle Gazette, Buckeye Lake Beacon and the Walnut Township website. Roll call: Leith yes, Ball yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.
The Zoning Secretary closed the annual organizational meeting for 2011 at 7:15 PM.
Regular Meeting of the BZA
February 1, 2011
Attendees: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith and Bob Ball
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
Members of the Public: 1
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jane Hanley at 7:15 PM.
Meeting Minutes:
Leith moved and Ball seconded the motion to accept the December 7, 2010 meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
New Business:
Ball asked Reeb about the alternate for the BZA. Reeb said yes this would be occurring. The zoning secretary said that an advertisement for an alternate would be in the next edition of the Buckeye Lake Beacon and the Eagle Gazette.
Public Input:
The next meeting will be March 3, 2011 at 7 PM if there is a hearing.
Hanley moved to close the meeting and Groves seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting ended at 7:20 PM.
Jane Hanley, Chair Date
February 1, 2011 Public Hearing BZA Minutes
(740) 467-2420 FAX (740) 467-3283
Public Hearing – Application 11-01
February 1, 2001
Attendance: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith, Bob Ball.
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
Members of the Public: 1
Chairman Jane Hanley called the public hearing on application 11-01 to order at 7:21 PM.
Reeb provided testimony on application 11-01. He explained the past history with Mr. Irwin and the Township. He explained that Mr. Irwin is asking for a lot split of .471 acres to occur on parcel 0460031310.
Hanley moved to recommend the Township Trustees to refund the $375.00 application fee for this variance because of undue hardship. Doug Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Testimony of Applicant
John Harker, representing Mr. Irwin, said that Mr. Irwin is going through all the requirements set forth by the Regional Planning Commission. He shared that there are only two neighbors, himself (Irwin) and
William Wolfe, Jr.
Hanley moved to accept 11-01 as written. Ball seconded the motion. Roll call: Leith – yes, Ball – yes, Hanley – yes.
Hanley moved and Ball seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM.
Mar 1, 2012 BZA Meeting Minutes
(740) 467-2420 FAX (740) 467-3283
Regular Meeting
March 1, 2012
Attendance: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith, Bob Ball, and David Farrell.
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
Members of the Public: 3
Chairman Jane Hanley called meeting to order at 7:23 PM with the pledge of allegiance.
Meeting minutes :
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes from 1-5-12.
Motion passed unanimously.
Ball asked about the meetings being at 7:30 PM in April and October. Hanley explained that the Zoning Commission will be meeting at 7 PM on those two nights and the BZA members decided to meet after the ZC on those two dates if a meeting is required.
Old Business:
New Business:
Hanley moved to close the meeting. Groves seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
Jan 5, 2012 BZA Annual Organization Minutes
(740) 467-2420 FAX (740) 467-3283
Annual Organizational Meeting
January 5, 2012
Attendees: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith and David Farrell
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
Members of the Public: 0
The annual organizational meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jane Hanley with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:02 PM. Hanley turned the meeting over to the zoning secretary to conduct the organizational meeting for 2012.
Nominations for Chairman 2012
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to nominate Doug Leith for Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Leith no, Farrell no, Hanley yes, Groves no. Motion failed.
Farrell moved and Leith seconded the motion to nominate Jane Hanley for the Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll Call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley – abstained , Groves yes. Motion passed.
Nominations for Vice Chairman
Hanley moved and Grove seconded the motion to nominate Leith for Vice Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Leith Abstained, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.
Nominations for Secretary
Leith moved and Hanley seconded the motion to nominate Liz Groves for Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.
Meeting dates
The Board discussed the day of the week to hold their meetings.
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to hold the BZA meeting on the first Thursday of each month in 2012 at 7 PM with the exception of April and October, then the meetings will be on the first Thursday at 7:30 PM provided there is an application/public hearing. Roll call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting procedures
Hanley moved and Farrell seconded the motion for the Board to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for meeting procedures for 2012 . Roll call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, and Groves yes. Motion passed unanimously.
Advertising of Meetings and Public Hearings
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to advertise BZA meetings and public hearings in the Eagle Gazette, Buckeye Lake Beacon and the Walnut Township website. Roll call: Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.
The Zoning Secretary closed the annual organizational meeting for 2012 at 7:12 PM.
Regular Meeting of the BZA
January 5, 2012
Attendees: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith and David Farrell
Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary
Members of the Public: 0
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jane Hanley at 7:15 PM.
Meeting Minutes:
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to accept the December 1, 2011 meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
New Business:
Public Input:
The next meeting will be February 3, 2012 at 7 PM if there is a hearing.
Hanley moved to close the meeting and Farrell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting ended at 7:16 PM.
Jane Hanley, Chair Date