Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2011 Public Hearing BZA Minutes

(740) 467-2420  FAX (740) 467-3283

Public Hearing – Application 11-01
February 1, 2001

Attendance: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith, Bob Ball.

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

Members of the Public: 1

Chairman Jane Hanley called the public hearing on application 11-01 to order at 7:21 PM.

Reeb provided testimony on application 11-01.  He explained the past history with Mr. Irwin and the Township. He explained that Mr. Irwin is asking for a lot split of .471 acres to occur on parcel 0460031310.

Hanley moved to recommend the Township Trustees to refund the $375.00 application fee for this variance because of undue hardship. Doug Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Testimony of Applicant
John Harker, representing Mr. Irwin, said that Mr. Irwin is going through all the requirements set forth by the Regional Planning Commission.  He shared that there are only two neighbors, himself (Irwin) and
William Wolfe, Jr.

Hanley moved to accept 11-01 as written. Ball seconded the motion.  Roll call: Leith – yes, Ball – yes, Hanley – yes.

Hanley moved and Ball seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM.

Mar 1, 2012 BZA Meeting Minutes

(740) 467-2420  FAX (740) 467-3283

Regular Meeting
March 1, 2012

Attendance: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith, Bob Ball, and David Farrell.

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

Members of the Public: 3

Chairman Jane Hanley called meeting to order at 7:23 PM with the pledge of allegiance.

Meeting minutes :
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to approve the meeting minutes from 1-5-12.
Motion passed unanimously.

Ball asked about the meetings being at 7:30 PM in April and October.  Hanley explained that the Zoning Commission will be meeting at 7 PM on those two nights and the BZA members decided to meet after the ZC on those two dates if a meeting is required.

Old Business:

New Business:

Hanley moved to close the meeting.  Groves seconded the motion.  The motion to adjourn passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.

Jan 5, 2012 BZA Annual Organization Minutes

(740) 467-2420  FAX (740) 467-3283

Annual Organizational Meeting
January 5, 2012

Attendees: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith and David Farrell

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

Members of the Public: 0

The annual organizational meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jane Hanley with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:02 PM.  Hanley turned the meeting over to the zoning secretary to conduct the organizational meeting for 2012.

Nominations for Chairman 2012

Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to nominate Doug Leith for Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Leith no, Farrell no, Hanley yes, Groves no.  Motion failed.

Farrell moved and Leith seconded the motion to nominate Jane Hanley for the Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll Call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley – abstained , Groves yes. Motion passed.

Nominations for Vice Chairman
Hanley moved and Grove seconded the motion to nominate Leith for Vice Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Leith Abstained, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.

Nominations for Secretary
Leith moved and Hanley seconded the motion to nominate Liz Groves for Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Roll call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.

Meeting dates
The Board discussed the day of the week to hold their meetings.

Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to hold the BZA meeting on the first Thursday of each month in 2012 at 7 PM with the exception of April and October, then the meetings will be on the first Thursday at 7:30 PM provided there is an application/public hearing.  Roll call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting procedures
Hanley moved and Farrell seconded the motion for the Board to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for meeting procedures for 2012 . Roll call – Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, and Groves yes. Motion passed unanimously.

Advertising of Meetings and Public Hearings
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to advertise BZA meetings and public hearings in the Eagle Gazette, Buckeye Lake Beacon and the Walnut Township website. Roll call: Leith yes, Farrell yes, Hanley yes, Groves yes. Motion passed.

The Zoning Secretary closed the annual organizational meeting for 2012 at 7:12 PM.

Regular Meeting of the BZA
January 5, 2012

Attendees: Jane Hanley, Liz Groves, Doug Leith and David Farrell

Others: Ralph Reeb, Zoning Inspector and Tonya Kahley, Zoning Secretary

Members of the Public: 0

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jane Hanley at 7:15 PM.

Meeting Minutes:
Hanley moved and Groves seconded the motion to accept the December 1, 2011 meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business:

New Business:

Public Input:

The next meeting will be February 3, 2012 at 7 PM if there is a hearing.


Hanley moved to close the meeting and Farrell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting ended at 7:16 PM.

Jane Hanley, Chair          Date