Township Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

May 6, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present.

Sergeant Hendershot, Community Services for the Fairfield County Sheriff’s department, was present to discuss Noise Issues in Walnut Township. He made suggestions to the trustees regarding the wording of the existing noise ordinance.

A noise violation is a minor misdemeanor; every occurrence will be logged when the sheriff is called. At the third occurrence, at which point a ticket will be issued.

Amy Anderson, Old Millersport Road, discussed the noise situation at her neighbor’s property with ATV and motorcycles.

There was a discussion regarding the barking dogs at Feeder Creek Veterinary Hospital.

Trustee Horn made a motion to make the suggested changes to the Noise Ordinance in Section B. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Jon Patrick Kochis, Director Fairfield County Emergency Management Association, presented an update on the installation of the Dam and Tornado siren. The Dam breach siren is fully operational as of May 9, 2014. In the case of a dam breach, an audible sound will be presented followed by a voice announcement.

Their future plan is to have evacuation route signs posted around Buckeye Lake, which would be a first in Ohio. They will have a website with all the information, a twitter account to notify residents of any problems, a phone callback notification program, and a smart phone app.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve signing the contract for the siren and accept responsibility for maintenance of the siren. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The minutes for April 15th were presented for approval. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the minutes with changes. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve checks 24314 through 24332 and EFTS 259-2014 through 323-2014, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Fiscal Office Kraner mentioned that the Trustees should be thinking about the budget for 2015. The budget must be prepared; a public hearing must be held and approved by the Trustees by July 15, 2014.

Comments from the Floor

Kelly Roberts asked what can be done about the junk cars and the cars parked in the roadway at 13520 Juniper.This not a zoning issue, however, if the cars are parked in the right-of-way, the sheriff should be called.

Department Reports

Chief Hite – Thurston Walnut Township Fire Department – Marshall Berry finished his training and his salary should be increased to $10.50/hour. Bench tests on airpacks have been completed. There was a question regarding the Keller fire hydrant in the Thurston trailer park, who has the responsibility for it.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve the personnel changes for TWTFD. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Roads and Parks – Tim Morris – Sergeant Hendershot will check if No Parking signs are needed by Stop signs.

Tim Upp removed the cattails in the ditch on Cattail Road. Tim and Mike cleaned the ditch on the east side of the road so it will drain better; at the last rain, it didn’t overflow.

Truck 6 needs work done on the transmission due to the back transmission lines rusting through. The cost is approximately $1,400. Tim will check to see if stainless steel is available.

The repairs needed on Truck 2 will be partially the responsibility of the township. They determined that lack of lubrication contributed to the stress on the bed. The cost will be approximately $3,072.

Tim will check into a sealant for the bottom side of the trucks to protect against salt damage.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve all truck repairs. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Tim and Mike have started digging on Summerland Beach, at the property of Chad Dupler, to find the blockage of the drain tile that is causing the water backup.

The bid opening for the Cedar Road repaving project through the CDBG will be this Thursday.

Tim will be attending the CDBG meeting to present the 4 applications to the Fairfield County Commissioners.

Detria Hiles – Zoning Inspector – There have been 25 permits, 1 appeal and 3 variances this year to date. She has completed the update of the zoning applications.

Detria is working on enforcing the requirement of a fence around a swimming pool. She is checking on the exact wording in Ohio Law. Property owners will be notified that this will be enforced.

Old Business

Trustee Leith stated that the tires at 13050 Shell Beach Road are due to be removed this week. Trustee Yates will check to see if Chet Irwin is still available to assist in the removal of debris from the property. If all else fails, the township can still remove the debris and add the cost as an assessment to the tax record.

None of the properties that are eligible to be demolished by Moving Ohio Forward have been signed off by the owners. The Gearhart property is a non-conforming property so 25% of the structure must preserved.

Trustee Horn sent his proposed letter for AEP to Jeff Porter, Fairfield County Prosecutor’s Office, for any suggestions.Horn sent his letter to Ron Scott at AEP; it requested $156K towards the repair of Blacklick Road and a response by June 1st.

Trustee Leith reviewed docks with Jason, ODNR. The 1st and 2nd docks on Lagoon Lakeside are ready to fall down.It is the responsibility of the leasee to maintain the docks.

There was discussion regarding drainage on Lakeside Road. It is currently not affecting the roadway. The homeowner is stating that the roadway ditch has been changed, which is causing the flooding.

In regards to the Frost, Brown Todd public records request; the Trustees discussed that the records be available for them to look at here.

The Kenny’s Beach Re-plat was signed off by Billy Phillips.

The set-up of the phones and voice-mail has been completed.

There was a discussion of Economic Development; one property is needed to start the process. Trustee Leith will start the process of talking to property owners.

The 208 plan for Baltimore includes rights to both sides of 204, north of 256. Trustee Yates will run by John the information he has for

New Business

Tim obtained a Road Usage Agreement from the county. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the implementation of the Road Usage Agreement. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Steve Treinish raised the issues with the drainage at the Fairfield Beach field. Trustee Yates made a motion to have Tim co-ordinate with the soccer association to add drainage to the field; into the open ditch north of the parking lot.Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The Serving Together seminar has been moved to June 26th.

Linda LaTorre has offered her resignation to the Zoning Commission due to relocating outside Walnut Township.

9:25 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer

William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

April 15, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

April 15, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present.

Randy Cotner, Superintendent for Walnut Township Schools presented information regarding Issue 6, operating levy, which will be on the May 6th ballot. The current levies were voted established in 1993 and 1994 and continue to generate the same amount – $250K and $258K. The school district only receives 21% of the funds from the state due to the student to dollar ratio. A home valued at $100K would pay an additional #241/year in taxes.

Bill Bradish, Palmer Energy presented information regarding the Electric Aggregation initiative that will be on the May 6th ballot. It is Issue 8 in Millersport, Issue 10 in Thurston and Issue 16 in Walnut Township. Historically, when a program such as this is put in place, the homeowner realized a savings of approximately $170/year. Electric bills are broken down into 2 areas – 50% +- distribution and Transportation – which is regulated by the PUCO and 50% +- Generation – which is the actual energy cost. The energy cost is where the savings will be seen. There are 35 counties in Ohio that are participating in this program.

Residents have the option to opt-out within 30 days of the program beginning. Palmer Energy will send out an RFP and once a contract is approved, then the program begins, most likely at some point in the fall. Residents will receive a second chance letter after the program begins that will allow them to opt-out at that point. Residents can opt-in at any point and receive the same rate. This program is only available to customers using under 70,000 kilowatts/year.

The minutes for March 4th were presented for approval. Trustee Leith made a motion to approve the minutes. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The minutes for March 18th were presented for approval. Trustee Leith made a motion to approve the minutes.Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes

The minutes for March 11th were presented for approval. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the minutes.Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes

The minutes for April 1st were presented for approval. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the minutes. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes

The minutes for April 3rd were presented for approval. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the minutes. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve checks 24292 through 24313 and EFTS 212-2014 through 258-2014, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Comments from the Floor

Dale Bowers, Lieb’s Island wanted to know when the township would be cracksealing again. The trustees have already approved the budget to complete additional cracksealing this year.

Department Reports

Mr. Neeley – RPC – There is a potential for a legal case regarding the rezoning on North Bank.

Detria Hiles – Zoning Inspector – There have been 18 permits and 2 variances this year.

Roads and Parks – Tim Morris – Tim stated that Jim Butcher was able to have the damage on Truck #2 covered by warranty as a manufacturer fault.

John Sprout at the Buckeye Lake Winery is have a walk for Juvenile Diabetes on Sunday August 17th from noon to three and would like the approval for the trustees. No roads will be closed. The trustees have no objections.

Mike and Tim are generally available between 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm to receive used oil.

Old Business

The property at 13058 Elm Rd was given a residential permit and is actually B2. Trustee Horn stated that there are several different options to resolve the situation –

  • – Rezone the parcel to residential – Elm and Forest north to Alder – which includes 9 parcels and 7 homes
  • – The Zoning Commission could allow residential in a B2 district – there are currently only two other undeveloped parcels zoned B2
  • – Allow residential as a conditional use in B2

David Lyles, the property owner, stated that he is improving the look of the trailer, will put in a permanent foundation, a pitched roof, gutters and add residential siding.

There was discussion regarding Residential Mixed Use (RMU) which allows residential with commercial services – this was added in 2010.

Trustee Horn moved to pass Resolution 07-2014 to rezone parcels between Elm and Forest at Fairfield Beach (as shown in Exhibit A) to Residential Mixed Use and to submit the request to the Walnut Township Zoning Commission.Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

A concerned resident mentioned the noise at the Campground at Fairfield Beach and asked what can be done. He has spoken with the owner, but it has not resolved the issue. He has called the sheriff in the past but would like to resolve the issue once and for all. The trustees suggested contacting Lt. Tim Voris at

Trustee Horn and ZI Detria Hiles are continuing to work with the property owners at 13050 Shell Beach Rd.

Moving Ohio Forward update – There have been 3 letters sent to property owners regarding the removal of nuisances by the Health Department.

Trustee Horn will be sending out the letter to AEP this week regarding the damage to Blacklick Rd.

ODNR update – There are still 14 Lieb’s Island residents who have not returned the letters to reserve a dock. After the 21st, there is a 10-day leeway. After that point, other Lieb’s Island residents can apply for the docks.

New Business

Trustee Horn will get together with ZI Detria Hiles and put together a list of suggested changes to the Zoning Resolution. These will be submitted to the Zoning Commission for their input.

There was a discussion regarding the amount of money appropriated for legal expenses and the potential cost for the creation of a JEDD.

Trustee Yates has a new 3-year contract from Time Warner that will decrease the cost and add voice mail. There is a one-time setup fee of $99. Trustee Yates made a motion to approve the contract. Trustee Horn seconded the motion.The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The trustees would like a status update regarding the Kenney Beach subdivision Replat of Lots 1-5 and Formation lots 1A-5A. Detria will follow-up with Jim Morgan and Holly Mattei.

There was a question regarding whether cell phone calls or texts from Ralph Reeb’s phone are available, per the request of Fallon vs BZA. There was also a question as to when John Harker was appointed to the Walnut Township BZA.

Trustee Horn purchased a 3-year contract with Geek Squad. They have already removed the virus on the township computer and updated the Accuglobe. It can also be used on the Fiscal Officer’s computer and the secondary computer in the office.

Bob Myers, South Bank Rd, stated that it is his belief that the township road is on his property. Trustee Yates will meet with Mr. Myers, a surveyor, Mr. Myer’s attorney and the Fairfield County Engineer’s office.

Trustee Horn made a motion to appropriate an additional $25,000 and encumber it for the retainer for Mr. Albers for the purpose of economic development. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

10:25 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed 3 yes votes.

Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer

William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

April 10, 2014 Trustee Special Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Special Trustees Meeting

April 10, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present. Also present was John Albers, Attorney for the Township

The sole purpose of this meeting is to meet with John Albers to discuss economic development options.

Mr. Albers suggested that a comparative analysis be completed comparing JEDDs, JEDZs, CEDAs and AAs. He provided handouts that contained this information as well as a summary of JEDDs.

There is legislation in Ohio that potentially could eliminate a JEDZ by the end of 2014.

The creation of JEDDs creates a partnership between a township and a municipal partner that is no more than one governing body away. There are several items that are generally discussed during the creation – income tax, water & sewer, and police & fire.

Generally the tax revenue is divided between the JEDD Board, the township and the other municipality. JEDDs contain non-residential property or those properties are carved out.

In the negotiations, the township can ask for a no annexation clause for 3 years or the term of the agreement – which can be up to 99 years.

A JEDD avoids the requirement of a township vote if – the resolution is unanimous, approved by the majority of the owners and is zoned appropriately.

The property in the JEDD does not need to be contiguous, can include only one parcel, can have an expansion area already determined, can be the entire township and works best in areas not yet developed.

A negotiated agreement is reached with the municipal partner prior to asking property owner to sign petition.

The Bricker and Eckler court case will be forwarded to John Albers.

The next step would be to start to meet and work through issues; create a strategy.

The typical cost to create a JEDD is between $15,000 and $25,000.

At 8:00 PM, Trustee Horn moves to go into executive session for the purposes of discussing negotiations with other political subdivisions for economic development assistance under the provisions of R.C. 121.22 (G) (8) and determines it is necessary to protect the possible investment or the expenditure of public funds. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 9:06 pm the trustees came out of executive session.

9:07 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes. 

Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer

William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

April 1, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

April 1, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present. The pledge was led by Boy Scout Michael Hiles and Allen Pilkington.

At the March 25th Special Meeting, Detria Hiles was appointed the Zoning Inspector. She will be paid every two weeks. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the minutes for the March 25th Special Meeting, submitted by Trustee Leith. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Fiscal Officer Kraner will email the employee packet to Kraner will contact the insurance carrier regarding bonding Zoning Inspector Hiles.

The minutes for January 2, 2014 need to have the Zoning Inspector’s salary updated to $15,600/year. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve changing the minutes for January 2nd. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Fiscal Officer Kraner asked the trustees if they had an interest in adding insurance premium reimbursement to paychecks. Mike had asked if it could be done. Kraner will check with UAN to see if it can be done without any taxes being taken out.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve checks 24271 through 24290 and EFTS 144-2014 through 211-2014, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Comments from the Floor

There were no comments from the floor.

Department Reports

The Darley fire pump for the fire department boat is no longer repairable. Replacement cost for a 500 gallon/minute pump is $28,000. The department does have a 250 gallon/minute pump.

Trustee Yates made a motion, the equipment has no value, to turn the Darley Fire Pump and the Genesis Rescue System and all miscellaneous equipment over to the Millersport Fire Department for them to dispose of as they see fit. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes. The equipment will be removed from the township inventory.

The EMS payments for the quarter will be available at the next meeting.

On May 2nd, there will be a mock crash at the Millersport High School around noon.

Thurston Walnut Township Fire Department – Chief Hite – Chief Hite presented two part-time firefighters that he would like to add to the squad – Jeffrey (Jarod) Poling and Matthew Kimbleton. The paperwork for Matthew is still pending.

There was discussion regarding the ems coverage for Pleasantville. The top half of Pleasantville is covered by Thurston Walnut Township fire department – which is approximately 5 – 6, runs a month. Pleasantville wants to have the entire village covered by one service.

Chief Hite asked how the annexation of Walnut Township land into the Village of Baltimore would affect the fire department and if he should look at decreasing his budget.

They are going to be using MECC EMS protocols. The initial cost is $3,300, which includes quarterly updates and competency training for department. The cost is then $3,200 every other year.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve adding Jeffrey Poling and Matthew Kimbleton to the roster. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed withb3 yes votes.

Zoning – Detria Hiles – Anne Cyphert will continue as Zoning Inspector through April 5th and will be available to Detria to answer any questions. Detria requested that a link to the zoning map on the County website be added to the township website. The trustees requested that Detria maintain a mileage log to that it can be charged back to the Zoning Fund. There is an upcoming training with Regional Planning that Detria will be attending. She will be using Truck #1 to make her rounds of the township. Tim will work with Detria to ensure she has access to the truck.

Roads and Parks – Tim Morris – Tim stated that Truck #2 had the hydraulic connection snap off. The manufacturer reviewed the damage and felt that the equipment had been maintained properly. They are trying to get equipment warranted so that it will be fixed. Otherwise, the cost to replace is $7,000.

Tim stated that they have gone through 10 tons of cold mix, with only 1/3 of the roads done.

The bids opening for the CDBG project at Fairfield Beach is May 1st. The projected cost of the project is $47,000.

The cost of the chemicals to spray the road right-of-way is approximately $1,000.

Tim is on vacation the week of April 6th.

Old Business

Tim Morris stated that there had been some progress toward the clean-up of 13050 Shell Beach Rd; however, the last time he checked, it had stopped. Trustee Horn said that Chet Irwin is still willing to help with the clean-up. The warning letter was not sent.

The lion and the enclosure have been removed from Queen Road.

Trustee Horn stated that there are still three potential properties that could be demolished under the Moving Ohio Forward program – the two properties on Lakeside and the property on Taylor.

Trustee Leith put an article in the Beacon regarding the Electric Aggregation program. The article will also appear in the Lancaster Eagle Gazette and the Towne Crier. There will be a public meeting on April 15th regarding the Electric Aggregation program.

Trustee Horn sent a copy to Jeff Porter of his letter to AEP regarding the damage to Blacklick Road, for his review and input. Tim stated that he had spoken with Cheryl at the Fairfield County Engineer’s office and she said there is a way to make them carry a bond.

New Business

There was discussion regarding the amount budgeted for Legal fees. Currently there is $2,000 in the budget. After meeting with the attorney, the trustees will decide if this needs to be increased.

Trustee Horn made a motion adopt the Public Records Policy that was presented to the Trustees. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn completed the public records requests. Fiscal Officer Kraner provided the payroll records for the third records request.

There was a request regarding completion of financial records for Matthew Noice.

Trustee Horn asked if he and Trustee Leith are bonded. Fiscal Officer Kraner emailed information that Horn was reelected and mailed the form for Trustee Leith.

Trustee Yates stated that there are four books that the township is supposed to keep – The Bond book; the Minutes book; the Roads book and Resolution book. Trustee Yates will pick up additional notebooks so that the books can be created.

April 3rd there will be a Special Meeting with the Township Attorney, Paul-Michael LaFayette.

April 4th the Trustees and Road workers will have their annual meeting with the Fairfield County Engineers.

April 10th there will be a meeting with John Albers. Trustee Yates will place an ad in the Lancaster Eagle Gazette.

An engagement letter needs to be executed to engage Paul-Michael LaFayette to the litigation regarding the zoning of the property on Elm. His fee is $90/hr. for a paralegal and $150/hour for his time. Trustee Yates made a motion to accept the engagement agreement with Paul-Michael LaFayette. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Tim Morris mentioned that effective today; his wife is on Medigold and should be removed from the Anthem policy.

At 8:56 PM, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss discipline and employee compensation. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

9:28 PM, out of Executive Session.

9:28 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed 3 yes votes.



Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer


William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

March 18, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

March 18, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present. Fiscal Officer Kraner was absent.

Trustee Horn made a motion to approve checks 24253 through 24270, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Comments from the Floor

Bobby Slater asked if the trustees knew when the AEP project will be completed. Trustee Horn stated he has made inquiries and needs to find the project manager’s name so he can contact. Horn will complete his letter before the next meeting for all to review. Trustee Yates said to go ahead and send the letter. The project manager’s name is Roger Haack; he stated the project should be completed by August 2014. Last estimate to repair is $206,380.80

Department Reports

Thurston Walnut Fire Department – Jamie Carroll reported – There are four prospective new firefighters – Daniel Goodfleisch, James Springer, Matthew Kimbleton and Jeffrey Poling. There are several maintenance issues that are being addressed on the trucks. The house across from the fire station is scheduled to be burned on April 12th. There are letter of liability that need to be signed. Thurston fire money does not agreed with what has been received by the Village of Thurston. The Chief has not been able to get answers from Aaron Reedy.

Zoning – Trustee Horn presented Anne Cyphert’s report. A zoning check register is needed. Need employment records.

Recycling – Mike King – He has received nice comments about the recycling site.

Parks and Roads – Tim Morris – Soccer has started. Tim Levacy regarding Little Lakers diamonds. Need to order the Porto-Jon’s for the two parks; Fairfield Beach through October; New Salem May through September. The cost is $70/month and a delivery fee of $20. Trustee Yates made a motion to approve the Porto-Jon’s. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The patching of the roads is complete.

Waste Management came back with a fee of $53/month for 3 years with no fuel surcharge. Trustee Horn made a motion to use Waste Management. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Truck #4 needs the water pump fixed at a cost of approximately $340. Trustee Leith made a motion to approve the repair. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

There was a discussion regarding purchasing salt for the coming year. Of the 269 tons that were on hand, approximately 100 tons have been used. Tim estimates that 1900 tons were used this year at $48.84/ton. It is predicted that next year the cost of salt will rise to between $90 and $100/ton. Trustee Horn made a motion to contract for 700 tons of salt for next year. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

There was a discussion regarding the drainage on Cattail Road. Amy from Soil and Water recommends using 2,300 feet of 12” tile, with an approximate cost of $10,000. The County Engineer’s office will look at the site on Thursday.The Township can only protect the roadways, not private land. There is 8” tile there now.

The Cedar Road project through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) has been approved by the Prosecuting Attorney. There is a letter coming for the trustees to sign. Trustee Yates made a motion to name the Project Supervisor. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Tim has completed four applications to submit for grants to the CDBG this year.

Old Business

No letters had be sent by Billy Phillips to the owners of 13050 Shell Beach Rd regarding the cleanup; however it does appear there has been progress.

Trustee Horn has received no response from Mike Rogers, Ohio Department of Agriculture, regarding the lion at 13748 Queen Rd.

Trustee Leith discussed the Township Boat Docks. Applications need to be returned to the township office for signatures by 4/21/14; and are due to ODNR by 4/30/14. There are 2 docks that are not paid and will not be approved by the Trustees. It is the responsibility of the lessee to maintain the docks to the standards of the ODNR.

There are 43 docks; one dock needs to be excavated, weather permitting.

Trustee Horn provided an update on the MOF properties. The property at 3320 Lakeside Dr and 13577 Gearhart St have both been condemned. No consent forms have been received from the property owners.

Cox Paving is working on the current MOF project.

There are three separate issues on the ballot for Electric Aggregation – Thurston, Millersport and Walnut Township.Bill Raddish will be presenting information about the Electric Aggregation at the April 15 meeting of the Trustees.Millersport and Thurston will be invited to attend and there will be notices in the paper. This will only be for AEP customers, however all registered votes will be able to vote on it. Fairfield County will have a public meeting on April 1, 2014.

Thanks to Bill and Carol for the County Trustees Quarterly dinner, many compliments were received. Thanks to the Millersport school for use of the facilities.

New Business

Public Records requests were reviewed. For case 2014CV00157, all the copies have been gathered; a copy needs to be sent to Jason Dolan, Prosecuting Attorney.

The BZA Appeal has requested meeting minutes.

The third request is a court request for salary information for a firefighter.

The outstanding dental bill needs to be paid.

The Zoning minutes need to be in a narrative format so that it can be posted to the website. Trustee Horn will be meeting with Sandi Wagner to copy the hard drive on the Zoning laptop; a copy will be downloaded to the township computer. Trustee Horn made a motion that the Zoning Minutes be in a narrative format. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

There was a discussion regarding the job description and compensation for the new Zoning Inspector. Trustee Leith made a motion to approve the Job description and compensation. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn made a motion to hold a Special Meeting on March 25th for the sole purpose of interviewing and hiring a Zoning Inspector. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes. Trustee Yates will place an ad in the Lancaster Gazette and send an email to the notification email list.

There was discussion regarding the zoning at an Elm Rd property. Jeff Porter suggested using a B1 zone as an R zone. The permit was issued in error. Regional Planning has been consulted.

There was a discussion about the repairs on Blacklick Road.

John Albers, attorney for the township, has been asked to attend the meeting on April 1, 2014 to discuss Economic Development. Trustee Horn will obtain a property map for the discussion. The question was raised as to what is the recourse if not all the trustees agree?

There will be a meeting with the Fairfield County Engineers office on 4/4/14 from 2 – 3 PM to discuss the drainage on Cattail Rd.

Some of the catch basins at Fairfield Beach have been identified.

10:50 pm, Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.



Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer


William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

March 4, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

March 4, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present.

The minutes for February 11, 2014 were submitted for approval. Trustee Leith made a motion to accept the minutes with changes. Trustee Horn seconded the minutes. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The minutes for February 18, 2014 were submitted for approval. Trustee Leith made a motion to approve the minute.Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Fiscal Officer Kraner stated that the permanent appropriations and information for the 2014 certifications of funds been submitted to the Fairfield County Auditor.

Trustee Horn made a motion to approve checks 24242 through 24251 and EFTS 114-2014 through 143-2014, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the Road Mileage Certification for 2014 from the Fairfield County Engineer.Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Comments from the Floor

There were no comments from the floor.

Department Reports

Roads and Parks – Tim Morris – Tim would like to continue with cracksealing for 2014. He would like two skids this year at an approximate cost of $4000. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve budgeting $4,000 for cracksealing.Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The replacement of the Chestnut culvert, by Fisher Marina, is scheduled for next Monday, weather permitting.

The gates were closed on the Buckeye Lake spillway today; the lake level should raise one inch per week.

The CDBG Hearing to discuss the requirements for submissions for 2014 will be held on March 11th. Tim will be attending for the township. Projects to be considered are King Rd, Fairfield Beach Rd to Lake Rd, Hawthorne Rd north to the deadend, Narcissus Rd, Lakeshore south to the deadend, Dahlia Rd and Ivy Rd east to the deadend.The completed application is due by April 15th. Tim will be submitting the proposal from the township by April 5th in order to earn additional points.

Tim and Mike would like to attend a Highway Safety program sponsored by Keith Taylor Trucking and presentations will be presented by the PUCO and the Highway Patrol, on March 7th. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve Tim and Mike attending this program. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Tim has been collecting quotes on Dumpster Service as Waste Management’s new contract was for $125/month, an increase of over $25/month.

  • Big O quoted $50/month for 36 months with a 3% cap on an increase at the end of the term. Extra dumps would be an additional dumps
  • Rumpke quoted $43/month with a 15.5% charge for fuel.

After discussion, Trustee Horn made a motion to use Big O for the township dumpster service. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

There is currently 100 tons of salt and 100 tons if mixed remaining in the barn. There is 120 tons remaining on the current salt contract. Trustee Horn made a motion to purchase the remaining 120 tons on the contract. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Tim will attend Pesticide training on Thursday, March 6th.

Trustee Horn moved to pass Resolution 05-14 to reduce the Weight Limit on Blacklick Rd by 50% from today until the latest allowed date as set by the Fairfield County Engineer. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Health Department – Doug Leith – Trustee Leith attended the Health Department where they discussed their budget request for 2015. Walnut Township’s portion would go up to $38,123.94.

Old Business

Trustee Horn discussed the clean-up of 13050 Shell Beach Rd; at this time it is too wet to move anything. Horn would still like the 10-day letter sent regarding the removal of the vehicles and the camper and the completion of the cleanup by April 15th. This might be challenging for the property owners, however, the Trustees need to see some progress.

There was a discussion regarding the procedure to mail information about docks out to residents on Leib’s Island.The resident needs the signed form from Trustee in order to purchase a dock permit. Trustee Horn would like to put the form on the website, send out a letter this year notifying that next year it is on the website.

Trustee Leith has completed an updated Boat Dock Rules for those docks at Leibs Island that are on the township property, he is working with Rachel at ODNR to ensure that also meets all their requirements. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the updated Dock Rules and to approve Doug making any revisions needed. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The contract has been signed for the Moving Ohio Forward demolitions; the Notice to Proceed has been sent to the contractor.

As a result of the article in the Beacon, four additional properties have been identified for demolition – 3320 Lakeside, 13577 Gearhart St, 13591 Richards St and 3900 South Bank. Jennifer Valentine from the Health Department will check the other three properties; Bobby Price will have no problem condemning the property on Gearhart. The property on South Bank has mold. The only expenditures that the township might have would be possible title searches. Then county is doing a land bank which in the future could generate funds that would be available for demolition of properties. The article will also appear in the Lancaster Eagle Gazette and the Towne Crier.

It is possible that a representative from the Electric Aggregation program could attend the March 18th meeting. The county is promoting the program the week of March 16th.

New Business

The Zoning minutes need to be in a narrative format so that it can be posted to the website. Trustee Horn will be meeting with Sandi Wagner to copy the hard drive on the Zoning laptop; a copy will be downloaded to the township computer.

The financial reports on UAN are in a pdf form; in the previous version, many documents were available in an excel format.

Trustee Horn requested that the updated minutes be available to post within one week, he suggested that the minutes be updated at the meeting.

There is a balance outstanding for Delta Dental that needs to be paid by the end of the month.

Snow removal policies of Violet, Liberty, Pleasantville townships were reviewed for suggestions on creating a policy for Walnut Township. Trustee Horn will add to the township website.

Trustee Horn has created several forms in regards to Public Record requests. The first form is the creation of Generic letterhead without official names. The second form is a Fulfillment Guidelines – with dates on all pages. The third form is the Acknowledgement Letter which would include an estimate of the number of days to comply with the request.

A letter regarding Blacklick Road repairs to the Engineer’s office. The estimate to repair is $206,380. Eric, Jeremiah and Jeff Send to Prosecutors and legislators.

The budget for Road Repairs for 2014 is approximately $150,000.

An email address for the fiscal officer was added to the Fiscal Officer Kraner will begin transferring all contacts from

A letter was received from the Village of Baltimore regarding annexation of 5.287 acres. They are using the Expedited Annexation procedure.

At 9:04 PM, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Pending Litigation. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 9:12 PM, Trustee Horn made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Billy Phillips will move forward on the zoning violation at 13748 Queen Rd with one more inspection with the measurements of the fence with photos and forward the information to Kyle Whitt Lancaster City Prosecutors.

At 9:21 pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss a Compliant against a Public Employee and an Appointment. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 9:36 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn made a motion to accept the resignation of Zoning Inspector of Billy Phillips effective immediately. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn called Anne Cyphert, Zoning Inspector in Bloom Township. She agreed to cover Zoning in Walnut Township until the Trustees can recruit a new Zoning Inspector. The salary will be the same as the previous zoning inspector. The two pending applications will be mailed to Anne. Trustee Horn made a motion to appoint Anne Darling Cyphert as the interim Zoning Inspector. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.Trustee Horn made a motion to use the Bloom Township Zoning Inspector job description. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn will measure the fence at the Queen Rd lion enclosure.

The permit for Elm Rd should not have been issued for a double-wide as the area is zoned residential. Holly from RPC has recommended re-zoning the area to Residential at no cost to the property owner.

An ad will be placed in the Beacon and the Lancaster Eagle Gazette for the open Zoning Inspector position.

10:35 PM, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Economic Development. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

11:01 PM, Trustee Yates made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

11:01 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss confidential matters. Trustee Yates seconded the notion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

11:11 PM, Trustee Leith made a motion come out of Executive Session. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

11:11 pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.



Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer


William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

February 18, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

February 18, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present.

Fiscal Officer Kraner asked for approval for attendance of the UAN conference in March. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the conference. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

There was a discussion of comp-time versus overtime payment. Historically, the trustees have requested that the roadworkers take time off later in the week to avoid overtime. The employees have the option to receive comp-time or overtime pay in the event that it is not possible. There was a discussion regarding having part-time help available on an as needed basis.

Trustee Leith made a motion to approve permanent appropriations for 2014 based on the temporary appropriations and the approved budget. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn made a motion to approve checks 24219 through 24237 and EFTS 79-2014 through 113-2014, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Tim Morris checked with several waste haulers for prices on weekly dumpster service. Fiscal Officer Kraner will find out what his recommendation is.

Comments from the Floor

Ray Sowers, Fairfield Beach, commented on what a good job the township has done on the snow removal this year. He asked if there was any new information regarding the vacation of Decker Rd at Fairfield Beach.

Zoning Interviews

There are three positions that need to be filled – Zoning Commission an alternate position, Zoning Board of Appeals, a regular seat and an alternate position. There are three candidates for the positions – Mark Helms, Randy Quillian and Greg Groves, all who are n attendance. The Zoning Inspector will provide an update on the terms of the positions. A regular term is 5 years.

Greg Groves lives on St Rt. 37 and has been a resident for over 25 years. He is retired from the Post Office.

Mark Helms lives on North Bank and is a field supervisor for a commercial construction company in Columbus.

Randy Quillian has lived on Canal Rd since 1979. He worked with the Thurston Fire Department for 18 years.

After discussion, Trustee Horn made a motion to appoint Randy Quillian to the BZA regular seat for the term of 2014 through 2018. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Leith made a motion to appoint Mark Helms as the BZA alternate. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn made a motion to appoint Greg Groves as the ZC alternate. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Copies of the Zoning Resolutions will be distributed by Billy Phillips, they are also available on the website in a searchable format.

Old Business

Trustee Horn discussed the clean-up of 13050 Shell Beach Rd with Billy Phillips. Horn requested that a 10-day notification be given to have the RV and camper removed from the property. At this time, they are still on the property. Chet Irvin is willing to assist in the cleanup of the property and it was recommended that he work directly with the homeowners.

Trustee Horn suggested sending a letter to the homeowners setting a date to have the property cleaned up. After discussion, it was agreed that a completion date of April 15th be set. This letter will be a precursor to a 10-day letter to be given if there is no progress. Trustee Horn made a motion to send a letter of warning to 13050 Shell Beach Rd to clean-up the property by April 15th or they will receive an official 10 day letter and for Billy Phillips to issue 10 day letter for removal of the RV & camper and any other vehicle in violation immediately. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The lion is still at 13748 Queen Rd and the application is still within the 90 day window for approval by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Trustee Horn has informed the ODA that the Walnut Township Trustees are not in favor of the approval of this application. Trustee Horn suggested contacting Troy Balderson, the author the Dangerous Wild Animals Bill, to share items that the Trustees would like to see addressed as an amendment to the law.

New Business

A Public Records request for any documents related to 3765 North Bank Rd was received. After discussion, it was decided that Fiscal Officer Kraner would send an email to Zoning Inspector Billy Phillips and Zoning Secretary Sandi Wagner regarding gathering the following information

– The terms of the Walnut Township Trustees from 2007 – present

– The Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals from 2007 – present , including length of terms

– Trustee minutes and Zoning minutes pertaining to 3725 N Bank Rd from 2007 – present

– All emails pertaining to 3725 N Bank Rd

Trustee Horn reminded everyone that emails are not to be deleted.

Trustee Horn made a motion to dispose of the light bulbs in the upstairs as they are of zero value. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 8:24 pm Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. The motion was withdrawn.


Bobby Slater suggested that the Trustees write a letter to AEP to request they pay to repair Blacklick Rd. He doesn’t feel that the residents should have to bear the cost of repairing the road.

Trustee Horn moved to pass Resolution 05-14 to request the Fairfield County Engineer to reduce the weight limit on Blacklick rd. as soon as allowed and through the allowed period. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 8:44pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss pending litigation. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 8:51pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn moved to pass Resolution 06-14 in regard to the zoning violation at 13748 Queen Rd as notified by the cease and desist letter dated 11/1/13, since no action has been taken; to forward to the County Prosecutor for review and processing. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 8:54 pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a complaint against a public employee. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 9:11 pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

At 9:11 pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Economic Development. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

9:36 pm, Trustee Horn made a motion to come out of Executive Session. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Action Items –

– Trustee Horn will contact John Carlisle & work on Blacklick Rd

– Trustee Leith will work on Dock Rules for Leib’s Island

– Fiscal Office will contact Billy Phillips and Sandi Wagner

9:39 PM Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.


Respectfully submitted –


Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer


William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith

February 11, 2014 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Walnut Township Trustees Meeting

February 11, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. Trustees William Yates, Doug Leith and Terry Horn were present.

The minutes for the January 17th were presented for approval. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the minutes with changes. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The report of the purchase orders and Blanket Certificates for 2014 was distributed for review by the Trustees. Fiscal Officer Kraner stated that there is approximately $150K appropriated for road projects in 2014.

There was a discussion regarding the allocation of the cost of the 2012 – 2013 audit. Trustee Horn made a motion that the cost of the audit will be allocated based on the percentage each fund is of the total as of 12/31/13. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Trustee Horn made a motion to approve checks 24178 through 24230 and EFTS 53-2014 through 75-2014, after being certified that funds are available and appropriations have been made by Fiscal Officer Kraner. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

The Bank Reconciliation for December 2013 was presented for approval. The current value is $1,640,766.11. Trustee Horn made a motion to approve the Bank Reconciliation for December 2013. Trustee Yates seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

Waste Management sent a new contract for the dumpster at the Township office. It appears that the monthly fee will be around $125/month. Tim Morris will check around to see if he can get a better price.

An additional representative is needed for the Tax Incentive Review Council. Trustee Yates nominated Doug Leith to fill the position. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. Y – Y, L – abstain, H – Y. The motion passed with 2 yes votes.

Comments from the Floor

There were no comments.


Chief Hite, Thurston Walnut Township Fire Department – Chief Hite asked for a trustee to fill the vacant spot on the Dependency Board. David Burke is a new volunteer firefighter. Mitch Klosterman has resigned due to taking a fulltime position on the west side of Columbus. The issues with Claypool Electric have not been resolved and Chief Hite will be looking for a new electrician. Chief Hite has applied for a training grant of $2,880, equipment reimbursement of $38,727 and a revolving loan with a 5% payment.

Trustee Leith volunteered to accept the appointment to the Dependency Board. Trustee Yates seconded the motion.Y-Y, L-abstain, H – Y. The motion passed with 2 yes votes.

Mike King, Recycling – The pad is down and there has been little to pick-up around the containers.

Tim Morris – Parks & Roads – Tim spoke with Jason at ODNR about reinforcing the docks at Lieb’s Island that are on township property. He will waive the permit fee for the project that is being discussed. Walnut Township is only responsible for the organizing the assignment of the docks, not the maintenance. He will check with Jason at ODNR regarding using abated cement for dock reinforcement.

Tim has ordered 600 tons of salt this year and will order the balance of 120 tons. Currently there is approximately 150 tons on hand. The Villages have purchased 175 tons of salt this year. Tim has ordered 239 tons of grits and used them successfully throughout the township.

The snowplow blades are still on order. The back lights on Truck 6 are out and being replaced. The range inhibitor on the big trucks are malfunctioning and need to be repaired.

Tim is requesting approval to complete crack sealing again this year, two skids at approximately $4,000.

The application for the Community Development Block Grant was received. There are new standards this year and the total available is approximately $142,000. Tim will work on completing the paperwork.

The culvert at Fisher Marina was tentatively scheduled for February 24th.

Old Business

Trustee Horn stated that Billy Phillips will provide a recommendation for completion of the cleanup for the property at 13050 Shell Beach Rd.

As an update to the Lion at 13748 Queen Rd, Tessa Compton has applied for the permit to be issued for the Queen Road address. Billy Phillips has been working with Jeff Porter at the Prosecutor’s office due to the failure to correct violations. There was a question as to whether the landowner was aware of the violation. Trustee Horn will check with Jeff Porter regarding notification of the landowner. The Trustees would like to have the Ohio Department of Agriculture notify the local government whenever there is an application.

The Trustees have confirmation that we are on the ballot for Electric Aggregation. There will be community meetings at the County Courthouse in March and April. Trustee Horn stated that Thurston and Bern Township also have it on their ballot and wants to confirm if Millersport also does.

Tim Morris was told that the AEP project on Blacklick Road is to be completed around the first of June. Trustee Horn would like to send a letter to AEP to request they pay a percentage of the repairs. Tim requested copies of all the violations on Blacklick Rd due to trucks being overweight.

The Fairfield County Engineers have not released their price for Chip & Seal for 2014.

Trustee Horn requested that when the annual meeting is scheduled with the Fairfield County Engineers that it is scheduled for a Friday afternoon.

Tim will talk with Shelly regarding Blacklick Road and what needs to be done to repair it.

Trustee Leith will update the Dock Rules for Lieb’s Island.

As an update on the Moving Ohio Forward demolition, the property at 8920 Lancaster-Thornville Rd contains asbestos and will need to be abated before it can be demolished. The contract with Cox Paving for the demolition will be signed on February 21st. There is still $42k available for demolition if anyone knows of another property.

There was a discussion regarding who received copies of emails sent to contact; the three trustees, fiscal officer and Tim Morris.

The invoice was sent to Don Bender for the asbestos testing on his properties at Shell Beach Rd.

New Business

The website is in the process of being updated.

The Township County meeting is March 15th at 6:00 pm.

The trustees and fiscal officer are putting an ad in the Corn Festival brochure at their own expense.

There are three interested parties for the opening for the Zoning Commission – an alternate position and the Board of Zoning Appeals – regular seat and an alternate position. They are Matt Helms, Greg Groves and Randy Quillian.Trustee Horn will clarify terms of office with Billy Phillips.

8:53 pm Trustee Horn moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Economic Development. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

9:47 pm Trustee Horn made a motion to return from Executive Session. Trustee Leith seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.

9:49 PM Trustee Leith made a motion to adjourn. Trustee Horn seconded the motion. The motion passed with 3 yes votes.


Respectfully submitted –


Lynn Kraner, Fiscal Officer


William Yates, Chairman Terry Horn Doug Leith