Author: Walnut Township
Resolution 19-2022 Regulating Parking on Residential Twp Roads
Walnut Twp Board of Trustees
Fairfield Co. OH
November 16, 2022
Resolution 19-2022 Regulating Parking on Residential Twp Roads
Whereas, Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 505.17 authorizes a board of twp trustees to make regulations necessary to control all vehicle parking in the residential portions of a twp that are not within the limits of a municipal corporation; and
Whereas, the Board of Walnut Twp Trustees finds it would promote the safety and welfare of residents of the Twp to limit vehicular parking on certain twp roads; and
Whereas, the Board of Walnut Twp Trustees finds that to provide for the maintenance and preservation of twp roads to limit the parking of certain heavy vehicles on twp roads; and
Whereas, the Board of Walnut Twp Trustees finds that all formal actions relative to the adoption of this resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board, and that all the deliberations of this Board and of its committees, if any, which resulted in formal actions, were taken in meetings open to the public, in full compliance with applicable legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the ORC;
Now therefore, be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of Walnut Twp, Fairfield County, OH, at least two-thirds of all members concurring:
Section 1: No vehicle, as defined in section 4511.01 of the ORC, shall park in the road, or road right-of-way, of all residential roads within the unincorporated areas of the Twp. Refer to Exhibit A of this Resolution for residential roads affected by this Resolution.
Section 2: No commercial tractor, as defined in section 4511.01 of the ORC, shall park on any Twp road or road right-of-way.
Section 3: Whoever violates this any regulation created by this Resolution is guilty of a minor misdemeanor pursuant to ORC Section 505.17(E).
Section 4: The Board specifically designates the Walnut Twp Road Supervisor as its agent to order into storage any vehicle parked in violation of a parking regulation adopted herein pursuant to ORC Section 505.17(D). The owner or any lienholder of a vehicle ordered into storage may claim the vehicle upon presentation of proof of ownership, which may be evidenced by a certificate of title to the vehicle, and payment of all expenses, charges, and fines incurred as a result of the parking violation and removal and storage of the vehicle.
Section 5: The Walnut Twp Road Supervisor is directed to prominently display traffic control devices conforming to Section 4511.09 of the ORC in appropriate areas regulated by this Resolution.
Section 6: The Walnut Twp Fiscal Officer is directed to post all regulations established by this Resolution in five conspicuous public places in the twp for thirty days before the effective date of this Resolution, and to publish said regulations in a newspaper of general circulation in the twp for three consecutive weeks.
Section 7: This Resolution shall be effective November 1, 2022.
Trustee Leith seconded the Motion, and the roll being called upon its adoption, the vote resulted as follows: Trustee Horn, yes; Trustee Yates, yes; Trustee Yates, yes
Exhibit A – Residential Roads Regulated by Parking
1st St.
2nd St.
Alder Dr.
Aspen Rd.
Avalon Dr.
Bass St.
Bateson Dr.
Beaver Dr.
Birch Rd.
Bright St.
Buckeye Ave.
Buckeye Point
Cedar Rd.
Chestnut Ln.
Circle Dr. North
Circle Dr. South
Clark St.
Cottage St.
Cottonwood Ct.
Crescent Cove Ave.
Cypress Dr.
Dahlia Dr.
Decker Ave.
Dogwood Rd.
East St., Pleasantville
East St., Millersport
Elfin Ct.
Elm Rd.
Fairfield Dr.
Fawn Ct.
Fillmore Dr.
First St.
Fisher St.
Forrest Rd.
Gearhart St.
Grand Ave.
Greenlawn Ave.
Grove Rd., Thornville
Hamilton St.
Hawthorne Rd.
Helendora Ave.
High St.
Hollywood Blvd.
Holtzberry St.
Island Ave.
Ivy Rd.
Jaeger Dr.
Juniper Rd.
King Rd.
Lake Shore Dr.
Lakeside Rd.
Laurel Rd.
Leibs Island Rd.
Mall Rd.
Maple Ave.
Maple Rd.
Marquardt Dr.
McCleish St.
Middle Ct.
Narcissus Rd.
Newark Dr.
North St.
Oak Rd.
Orchid Dr.
Park Ave.
Park Place
Pine Rd.
Queen Rd.
Richards St.
Rosewood Rd.
Second St.
Sellers Dr.
Shepard Ave.
South Bank Rd.
Spring Run Rd.
Summerland Beach Rd.
Taylor Ave.
Thoreau Ln.
Water St.
Witherspoon Dr.
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Reminder – Noise Resolution
As a reminder, the Walnut Township Noise Resolution, as amended May 6, 2014, can easily be found on the front page of this website, in the Township Resources section, under the Township Info heading.