
The Walnut Township Trustees consists of a board of three elected Trustees. Each are elected to their positions for a term of four years on staggering cycles, and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified. The term of the Trustees begins on the first day of January after the election. The theory of staggering terms of office is for the purpose of having at least two experienced township officials in offices at all times.

The Trustees are elected to administer the affairs of township government as the representatives of the people and they hold their offices in trust for the people of the Township. The Trustees welcome residents to attend governmental meetings to keep residents abreast of current issues or to express concerns in an open, positive atmosphere.  Check the Township Calendar click here for an up-to-date meeting schedule.

The Walnut Township Trustees are:

  • Trustee – Bill Yates: 740-808-2139. Term ends 12/31/2027
  • Trustee – Terry W. Horn: 740-503-2200.  Term ends 12/31/2025
  • Trustee – Doug Leith: 740-215-1952.  Term ends 12/31/2025